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You don’t have an Ortel SIM card yet?

Then order it quickly, put credit on it, and book the right option for you!

  • Secure payment
  • SSL encryption
  • Full cost control

Ortel Mobile is a company of the E-Plus Group.

Your advantages at Ortel Mobile

SIM card without contract

With a prepaid SIM card from Ortel you can use your mobile phone to make and receive calls and surf abroad flexibly and cheaply - and with no long-term contractual obligation. In addition, you benefit from various advantages of cheaper prepaid rates and a variety of different options. We have the right rate for everyone.

Pay in advance

Prepaid means paying in advance. You purchase a SIM card, which you top up with credit. Then you can book a suitable option from our large selection on your card. Calls and SMS will only be blocked once you have depleted your credit. However, you will still be reachable.

No long-term contract

You do not have to sign a long-term contract. To phone with Ortel, all you need is a mobile phone without a SIM lock. You can order your SIM card online for free or with your starting credit.

Change options flexibly

You can change your Ortel tariff flexibly every month. With Ortel you always are in full control over your mobile phone and telephone expenses.

No additional fees

Since there is no basic tariff yet, there are no additional costs with an Ortel prepaid card. There is no unpleasant surprise when checking the telephone bill.

Flat rate tariffs for smartphone users

Ortel also offers flexible tariffs for smartphone users. Internet flat rates for mobile surfing can be booked as an option - monthly and hassle-free. The good thing is that you can cancel these rates on a monthly basis. If you expect high Internet consumption in the next month or know that you will be travelling a lot, we offer you a one-off booking option.