AFRIDO in Dortmund.

AFRIDO is the abbreviation for "Afrikaner in Dortmund" and pursues exactly this goal:AFRIDO is a platform for the various Dortmund organizations and parishes of African origin. Africa, a colorful continent, consists of 54 countries with many different cultures. Although people come from different nations, they have much more in common here in Dortmund. That's why it makes sense to work together rather than against each other in order to face future challenges (education, professional life, etc.).

Adress and Contact  :

AFRIDO (Afrikaner in Dortmund)
c/o Africa Positive e.V.
Im Fritz-Henßler-Haus
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 33 – 37
44135 Dortmund
Mail: info[at]
Tel.: +49 (0) 231 79 78 59 0